2013年12月25日 星期三

Annotation 3: Does Taiwanese Government Suitable Enough For Practicing Capitalism? (Revised)

Government is Good,  A web project of Douglas J. Amy, Professor of Politics at Mount Holyoke College       http://www.governmentisgood.com/index.php
       “Without a whole host of government rules, capitalism could not exist. Even regulations and social programs help sustain a market economy by fixing many of its serious social and economic problems.” - Douglas J. Amy, Professor of Politics at Mount Holyoke College, “Capitalism Requires Government, page: 1 of 7”

        Capitalism and Socialism, these two economic theories are both based on the condition of “good moral behaviors.” Capitalism relies on a well-functioning and impartial governing system, if the government was prone to corruption, Capitalism could not be fully practiced in that country. The authority makes rules and regulations to interfere with the so-called “free market” and it also bear the duty to accelerate the economic structure by providing job opportunities, maintaining a good market system, and bring us both economic and social justice. In short words, we need a stable and fair government to protect our rights and our wealth, providing the resources we need for building the economic foundation.
        However, can this idea be fully practice in the real world? Is our government really untouchable enough that we can rely anything on them? Will people in the world be so morally disciplined that any kinds of corruption are eliminated in front of our eyes?
        Looking through the history of human race, the answer is certainly not.

        From the article Government as the Primary Protector of our Rights and Liberties, the author, Douglas J. Amy, Professor of Politics at Mount Holyoke College, wrote “We depend heavily on the tools of democratic government to protect people’s rights…democratic governments have constitutions and institutions that enable us to effectively protect our rights and freedoms.” But in recent days, Taiwanese government appeared to have gone backward with this idea, for example, the Da-Po incident(note 1.). We can see that our own government ignores the rights and interests of the people it should protect base on some nonexistent and forceful reason, and in the end the company (InnoLux Company) which need the land most said they don’t need these land anymore(note 2.) Then what’s the economic profit in collecting these lands? There is no economic contribute to our country, so what’s the reason for the government sacrificing our right? It is clearly that there is corruption in our government, and this corruption clearly held the economic development of Taiwan, farmers lost their land so they couldn’t contribute anything for the economic, the collected land also had no economic value since the company didn’t need them. If the government didn’t fulfill their function as a protective shield, but to become a shiv that strike back on its own people, Capitalism became a broken theory and the country will fall.

        Capitalism requires the government who practice it to take control of the economic system, but it also requires the government to be pure enough to do nothing but for the interest of people. It seem that morally, our government is not “pure” enough to practice this system, the corruption obviously block our economic development. When the government turned against us, how can we contribute to the economy?

Capitalism Requires Government
Government as the Primary Protector of our Rights and Liberties

(Note 1)  Da-Pu Incident
(Note 2)  InnoLux claims the need of Jhu-Nan science base was no longer pressing

